Markija’s Visit with Prohuman and Samsung SDI Hungary to ATMI Polytechnic
On February 6, 2023, Markija together with Prohuman and Samsung SDI Hungary visited Politeknik ATMI Cikarang in order to discuss internship cooperation for Indonesian vocational students to Europe as well as introduce the facilities owned by Politeknik ATMI Cikarang. In addition, the purpose of this visit for the ATMI Cikarang Polytechnic is to get to know what industry is like in Europe.
The visit began with an introduction by Director of ATMI Cikarang Polytechnic, Dipl. Ing. Richardus Henri Paul M.B.A After listening to the profile of Politeknik ATMI Cikarang, the Markija, Prohuman, and Samsung teams were guided to visit the existing laboratories.
Based on the ATMI Cikarang Polytechnic education system which has a 67% practical lecture portion, this laboratory is provided to facilitate students in doing practice and support student creativity in creating engineering-related projects.
The laboratories owned by Politeknik ATMI Cikarang include: Automation Lab, PLC Lab, PH Lab, Electrical Lab, Microcontroller Lab, Electrical Installation Lab, Programming Lab, CAM & amp; CNC Simulation Lab, CNC Practice Lab, Conventional Mill Practice Lab, Grinding Practice Lab, Turning Practice Lab, Benchwork Practice Lab, Basic Drawing Practice Lab, CAD Practice Lab, and Design Engineering Lab.
Based on the results of the visit, Politeknik ATMI Cikarang is considered to have qualified facilities and tools. The ATMI Cikarang Polytechnic students are deemed appropriate to occupy several internship positions needed by Markija's partner companies in Hungary.