We are delighted to present Tomi Inderwan Saputra, a participant in the Markija internship program who had the privilege of interning at Škoda Transportation in the Czech Republic. During his internship, Tomi gained unique and invaluable insights, particularly in appreciating cultural nuances and diversities. Tomi reflects on his time in Europe, stating, “The internship was both rewarding and challenging. It offered me a firsthand look at the stark cultural and linguistic contrasts with Indonesia. My time here enabled me to broaden my understanding of transportation equipment manufacturing, with a focus on trains, trams, and metros. This expertise is not only invaluable but also potentially applicable in Indonesia.” He also shared insights into the Markija internship program’s selection process, stating, “The Markija internship program is a remarkable opportunity. The selection procedure is straightforward and swift, supported entirely by the Markija team, facilitating our journey to Europe. Thanks to Markija’s wide-ranging collaborations with European companies, we have the liberty to select our preferred area of interest.” Furthermore, Tomi encourages those who have yet to register for the program, emphasizing, “If you haven’t yet seized this chance, I urge you not to overlook the invaluable internship experience with Markija. The support from the Markija team is comprehensive, promising an enriching knowledge transfer from Europe and an opportunity to immerse yourself in a novel environment.”